Become a member

Insider Access

Insider Access

$8.00 per month

For $8/month, join the Insider Access tier and be an audience member for one show produced by Clean Sanchez Media. Call in and interact with the hosts during select shows. Receive an exclusive monthly newsletter with updates and behind-the-scenes insights. Note: This subscription does NOT include access to any productions in the You Me and Lore series.
  • The Commission


$15.00 per month

For $15/month, join the VIP Access tier and be an audience member for two shows produced by Clean Sanchez Media. Call in and interact with the hosts during select shows. Receive an exclusive monthly newsletter with updates and behind-the-scenes insights. Note: This subscription does NOT include access to any productions in the You Me and Lore series.
  • The Commission
Best Friends

Best Friends

$20.00 per month

For $20/month, join the Ultimate Access tier and be an audience member for all shows produced by Clean Sanchez Media. Call in and interact with the hosts during select shows. Receive an exclusive monthly newsletter with updates and behind-the-scenes insights. Note: This subscription does NOT include access to any productions in the You Me and Lore series.
  • The Commission